
AR Music Production provides one to one tuition specializing in Ableton Live but with knowledge in other DAW’s. With over a decade of professional solo releases as alias $quare as well as under Aaron Richards/AR, this is an opportunity to hone your production skills to a high standard. Sessions include everything from composition to mixing and mastering.

Aaron has worked with many artists and on projects such as :

  • A Safe Haven” video game soundtrack which Aaron also designs and codes.
  • 2Kill Comics which included an accompanying soundtrack for two issues
  • “Remember Me” Video Game Remix Soundtrack. Officially signed off by composer Olivier Deriviere.
  • Actor Spencer Wilding Professional Showreel (Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy)
  • Remixes for James Yuill, Lia, Jr Pinchers.
  • Several other individual releases including various EPs.